Basic principles
for the Haflinger breed, pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 2016/1012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016.
General Assembly – A special year for the Haflinger breed

29/09/2024 – On 29 September 2024, the annual World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation General Assembly took place at the Fohlenhof Ebbs stud farm in Austria. The 24 member organisations were represented in large numbers, either in person or remotely via Zoom, and looked back on a very eventful year together with the Federation management. 2024 was a special year indeed – with the Haflinger Festival in Sluderno/Schluderns to mark 150 years of Haflinger breeding and the European Haflinger Championships in Stadl-Paura, the brightness of the spotlight was practically unrivalled. Breeding and sports now form a strong unit, with enormous potential to develop the breed further.
Together with WHBSF President and HPT Chairman Lukas Scheiber, Chairman Manfred Canins of the South Tyrolean Federation and ARGE Austria Chairman Manfred Lientschnig expressed their enthusiasm for the two major events held in 2024, stressing how they had reached countless people and left lasting impressions. The beautiful pictures and many shared experiences, they agreed, would no doubt shape the Haflinger community with a lasting effect.
Haflinger World Show – innovation in the making
HPT Director Robert Mair presented the upcoming edition of the Haflinger World Show, scheduled to take place from 29 May to 01 June 2025 at the Fohlenhof Ebbs stud farm. The event is currently being developed with a great deal of ambition, expertise and foresight, characterised by an innovative approaches and an attractive programme for all types of visitors. The message: Horses are an integral part of agriculture.
2025 Haflinger World Exhibition

28/08/2024 – The eighth edition of the European Haflinger Championships is now history! With impressive performances and great results across all nations, and the unique atmosphere that characterises the Championship.
The next major Haflinger event lies just around the corner, and after sports the time has come for breeding, as the Haflinger World Exhibition will take place in Ebbs from 29 May to 1 June 2025.
The tender is available! We look forward to seeing you all in Ebbs!
Registration forms: International Haflinger Show / Stand at the Exhibition
EUCH 2024 – The medal table

All information about the European Haflinger Championship

16/08/2024 – The schedule of the European Championship is online!
We are already looking forward to 2024 and a fantastic European Haflinger Championship in Stadl-Paura!
Partnerships for the Championship titles
Calling all sponsors and partners: acceptance form
19/06/2024 – Partnerships for the 2024 European Haflinger Championship titles are in high demand; they are especially popular among breeders, serving as an international showcase that affords a great deal of visibility, and sometimes simply because a particular breeder might have a special connection to a specific Championship discipline. Thank you for promoting the equestrian sport and our young athletes!
Main sponsors
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Dressage Young h. 4-year-olds | Dressage Young h. 5-year-olds | Dressage Horses 6+ elementary | Dressage Horses 6+ medium |
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Dressage Advanced class | Show Jumping Young horses | Show Jumping Horses aged 6+ | Eventing Young horses |
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Eventing Horses aged 6+ | Driving Young h. 5-year-olds | Driving Horses 6+ singles | Driving Horses 6+ pairs |
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Trail Young horses | Trail Horses aged 6+ | Working Western Rail Young horses | Working Western Rail Horses aged 6+ |
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Horsemanship Young horses | Horsemanship Horses aged 6+ | Ranch Riding Young horses | Ranch Riding Horses aged 6+ |
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Ranch Trail Horses aged 6+ | Free Jumping Young h. 3-4-year-olds | ||
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2024 Haflinger World Congress

01/06/2024 – The World Haflinger Congress, which took place as part of the Haflinger Festival on 1 June in the South Tyrolean village of Sluderno/Schluderns, was very well attended and struck a chord – with its international panel engaging in a lively discussion about the history of the breed, its strengths and future prospects.
World Haflinger Congress 2024 - What does the Haflinger stand for today?

“The Haflinger’s origin is that of a robust mountain and work horse” – something we’ve probably all heard or read countless times. But what is it that Haflingers stand for these days? If you stop and think about it, it won’t take long to realise that much has changed over the past 150 years – but what exactly is different today, and why?
All these and many more fascinating questions will be debated at the upcoming World Haflinger Congress in Sluderno/Schluderns. Held during the Haflinger Festival, which will take place from 31 May to 2 June, the event is set to bring together an interesting round table perfect for in-depth discussions. Because the people who dedicate their time to Haflingers are as just as varied and versatile as the breed itself is: They each come equipped with their unique perspective focusing on history, breeding, sports, family traditions, science – or their own riding and breeding centre.
With speakers from South Tyrol, other parts of Italy, Austria, Germany and even Australia, we look forward to an interesting conference filled to the brim with gripping talks and a lively debate, to which we would like to cordially invite you.
World Haflinger Congress on 01 June 2024 at the Museo Venosta/Vintschger Museum in Sluderno/Schluderns
17:00 Welcome and opening remarks
Lukas Scheiber, World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation President
Manfred Canins, Chairman of the Provincial Federation of South Tyrol Haflinger Horse Breeders
Introductory exchange:
Dr Erich Messner, former Chairman of the Provincial Federation of South Tyrol Haflinger Horse Breeders
Dr Francesco Ramella, President of ANACRHAI, the Italian National Association of Haflinger Breeders
17:20 Keynote speech:
Gertrud Grilz-Seger – historian and author
“Haflingers and the Belle Époque – new insights into the early stages of Haflinger breeding”
Discussion round:
Gertrud Grilz-Seger – historian and author
Torsten Große-Freese – Breeding Supervisor and Advisor at Landesverband Bayerischer Pferdezüchter e.V. (Federation of Bavarian Horse Breeders), Germany
Dr Erich Messer – retired veterinarian, author of different publications on the history of the Haflinger breed, Italy (South Tyrol)
Lorena Scheiber – breeder, tourism expert, Austria Johann Wieser – breeder and Breeding Supervisor at ARGE Österreich, Austria
18:10 Keynote speech:
Prof. Dr Gottfried Brem – scientist and author
“The Haflinger breed as reflected in science”
Discussion round:
Prof. Dr Gottfried Brem – scientist and author, Austria
Paul Groves – breeder and entrepreneur, Australia
Barbara Mayr – horse owner, leisure rider, musician, Italy (South Tyrol)
Dr Andrea Sgambati – retired veterinarian, former coordinator of the Haflinger experts group, Italy
Host: Thomas Vonmetz
Simultaneous interpretation into German, English and Italian
Registrations open until 29 May 2024 at office(at)
Countdown to licensing week

17/01/2024 – For quite some time now, the Haflinger Selection Week has been a fixture for the international Haflinger community, as it offers breeders the opportunity to view and meet the candidates up for licensing in relatively consistent circumstances. In addition to the chance to comprehensively compare aspiring studhorses side by side, the licensing events are also a key time to connect, exchange views and talk shop with like-minded people – all of which plays an important role in their popularity.
As every year, the series will kick off with the ARGE Haflinger event in Stadl-Paura on Friday 02 February, followed the Italian edition in South Tyrol, held on Saturday 03 February in Egna/Neumarkt. And to conclude the Selection Week, the Haflinger Breeders' Association Tyrol (HPT) will hold their licensing event on Sunday 04 February 2024 at the Fohlenhof Ebbs stud farm.
To find out more about the individual events and their schedules, please visit the websites of the hosting organisations:
ARGE Haflinger / Provincial Federation of South Tyrol Haflinger Horse Breeders / ANACRHAI (Italy) / Tyrolean Haflinger Breeding Association
WHBSF plugs Haflinger events

Trade fair PR at Fieracavalli and Pferd & Jagd
13/12/2023 – We’ve got all but two highlights coming up in the next two years: The big anniversary Haflinger Festival in Sluderno/Schluderns to mark 150 years of Haflinger breeding, the European Haflinger Championships in Stadl-Paura and of course the long-awaited World Show at the Fohlenhof Ebbs stud farm, the designated centre for Haflinger breeding. And the WHBSF members perfectly complement each other in promoting the events – as was recently the case at the Fieracavalli horse fair in Verona (together with ANACRHAI) and at the Pferd & Jagd trade fair in Hanover (alongside the OHD).
International breeding and sport events

28/08/2023 – There’s a whole host of major Haflinger-themed happenings to look forward to over the course of the next two years: At the end of May 2024, the event series will kick off with the 150th Anniversary Show in Sluderno/Schluderns, South Tyrol, followed by the European Championships in Stadl-Paura in late August. 2025 will be year of the World Show, which is scheduled to take place in Ebbs at the end of May. Last week, the WHBSF delegates met in a video conference to exchange ideas. Many of them will also attend the General Assembly held on October 1st on the occasion of the filly auction organised by the Haflinger Breeders’ Association Tyrol at the Fohlenhof Ebbs stud farm.
2023 French Haflinger Championship

17th ARGE Haflinger Austrian National Young Mares’ Show in Wolfsberg

28/05/2023 – Last weekend, a sun-spoilt day and mares of outstanding quality made for a perfect setting at this year’s Austrian National Young Mares’ Show – and the Reiterhof Stückler Equestrian Centre in St. Margarethen near the Carinthian town of Wolfsberg provided a grand stage for the impressive Haflinger show, which is traditionally held every two years. From early in the morning, the schedule saw two parallel rings presenting Austria’s top Haflinger mares: the 44 best three-year-olds alongside 20 four-year-old mares without foal at foot and 14 four-year-old mares with foal at foot.
ARGE Chairman Manfred Lientschnig, together with ZAP Vice Chairman and HWZSV President Lukas Scheiber, acknowledged the upward trend in Austrian breeding and praised the widespread, high quality of the mares featured at this edition of the Austrian National Young Mares’ Show... Click here to read more (in German language)
3-year-old mares / 4-year-olds without foal at foot / 4-year-olds with foal at foot
Latest news about the EUCH

15/05/2023 – Everything was ready – planning, funds and lots of enthusiasm! However, bureaucracy threw a spanner in the works: it would simply not have been possible to guarantee 100% that all the necessary buildings and facilities could be completed on time, because the award procedures are too lengthy. However, in order for the EUCH to take place safely, the South Tyrolean Federation immediately returned the hosting and the WHBSF board decided to fall back on the proven venue Stadl-Paura.
We are looking forward to an exciting EUCH in Upper Austria in the week of 20-24 August 2024!
OHD International Haflinger Shows

17/03/2023 – Rules for admission are now available (in German language):
WHBSF General Assembly in Ebbs

25/09/2022 – Among the many topics on the agenda: How do diseases caused by the EVH1 and West Nile viruses spread in Europe, where will the 2024 European Championships take place and what does the future hold for the WHBSF Trophy?
For this year’s agenda, the World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation had selected a number of internationally relevant issues. It remains the Federation’s aim to approach the topic of animal health in particular from a well-grounded, scientific perspective – which is why guest speaker Dr Federica Gobbo from the Institute of Comparative Biomedicine in Padua (I) was invited to present the latest data on the aetiology, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnostics and the spread of two diseases that are increasingly affecting horses across Europe.
The General Assembly furthermore decided to accept the South Tyrolean offer to host the 2024 European Haflinger Championship, which will now take place together with the grand anniversary show held in Merano/Meran to mark 150 years of Haflinger breeding in South Tyrol. The exact date is yet to be set; all effort will however be made to take into account the athletes’ needs as much as possible.
Early September also saw the kick-off of the WHBSF Trophy at the ARGE Austrian Haflinger Championships in Stadl-Paura. The events that will now follow are set to mark important highlights in Haflinger sports across the different countries. The idea is to bring breeding and sport ever closer together: Experience has shown that such “mixed” events strengthen mutual understanding and above all the feeling of togetherness.
At the General Assembly, the lively discussion of so many different topics – with the chance to join in either in person or online – was welcomed and much appreciated by the members. With a major focus on joint training initiatives for judges in the months to come, being able to exchange views and experiences regarding common topics remains a crucial element for the Federation.
Haflinger tournament and Austrian Haflinger Championships

On the second weekend in September, Stadl-Paura will be all about the Haflinger breed
13/07/2022 – Haflingers on the centre stage for two whole days this autumn: A whopping 27 dressage and show-jumping contests at the CDNH-B CSNH-B equestrian sports tournament powered by WHBSF, plus the ARGE Austrian Haflinger Championships will have horse fans at the Stadl-Paura Equestrian Centre on the edge of their seats.
In the dressage arena, the contests will range from novice level and competitions for young horses all the way to medium dressage tests. The show-jumping course will feature obstacles between 70 and 100 cm, and a “cross jumping test” with eventing obstacles (70 cm) will be the weekend’s special highlight.
Alongside the tournament, the ARGE Austria Haflinger Championships will see this year's best foals and riding horses selected and crowned. In addition, character tests will be held on Saturday morning.
Regulations for admission (in German language)
Following the award ceremony on Saturday night, all tournament participants are warmly invited to a get-together organised by the WHBSF and ARGE Austria at the Alte Kaserne event centre.
ARGE Haflinger
Austrian Haflinger Championships
Preliminary schedule:
Saturday 10 September 2022
10:00 character tests
14:00 Riding Horse Championship
17:30 award ceremony for the Riding Horse Championships and tournament (with horses)
Sunday 11 September 2022
10:00 Foal Championship
14:00 award ceremony for the Riding Horse Championships and tournament (with horses)
WHBSF's General Assembly – Full steam ahead!

05/10/2021 – Looking back at the year 2020/21 against the backdrop of a global pandemic, the retrospective at the occasion of the WHBSF General Assembly held on 26 September at the Fohlenhof Ebbs stud farm (A) turned out to be a little more meagre than we all would surely have wished for. After all, there’s no shortage of enthusiasm and ideas at the World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation. And yet, in the light of the pandemic, there was no way to avoid cancelling the 2021 World Show – which means of course that the next edition will not take place until 2025.
However, the lack of breeding highlights was more than made up for by sporting events: Taking place in late August 2021, the European Haflinger Championship was a gigantic success – a true celebration of equestrian sports featuring over 300 contestants. A large crowd watched the event unfold live on site and even an even bigger audience followed the tournament via live-stream from the comfort of their homes. But the Championship is of course not just entertainment: It is also a clear indicator of how closely breeding and sports have become intertwined – all in the very spirit of the WHBSF.
For good measure, this year’s General Assembly once more included an outside perspective: Josef Wiesböck of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism gave a presentation on the position of horses in current zootechnical legislation, emphasising the importance of basic principles for Haflinger breeding, jointly formulated by the organisations in charge of the original stud books.
In the subsequent elections, the WHBSF leadership was rewarded for its commitment and confirmed unanimously for another four-year term. The members reportedly appreciate the work done and lauded the now regular exchange, which has in recent times also taken place via video conference, allowing a more broader audience to participate.
Lukas Scheiber, the outgoing and incoming President, also presented an outline of what is to come in the next few months – with quite ambitious goals that include both breeding and sport. One concrete focus continues to be the comparability of the different evaluation systems, plus of course further efforts towards a joint database that will provide the members with more “tangible” results.
Meet the 2021 European Haflinger Champions!

30/08/2021 – With the 2021 European Haflinger Championship all wrapped up, we’re now left with countless unforgettable impressions and emotions: From the Parade of the Nations all the way to the closing ceremony, those four intense tournament days are sure to accompany both our participants and the audience for quite some time to come.
A total of 24 Championship titles have successfully been awarded, and to say it with the words of WHBSF President Lukas Scheiber, the key is to bring breeding and sports together: “The breeders are immensely proud of the equestrian athletes, who showcased their horses in such a marvellous way.”
A whopping 278 horses from 12 different countries competing a total of 330 times for all but 23 Championship titles – and all of it broadcast out into the entire world via live-stream, with magnificent pictures of a breed whose versatility remains practically unrivalled.
This year’s edition was the seventh European Haflinger Championship, and it was the fourth time the tournament took place at the Stadl-Paura Equestrian Centre in Austria. A tried-and-tested venue: Not least thanks to its top-level logistics and a well-rehearsed team with Johannes Mayrhofer at the helm, the organisational processes ran seamlessly throughout the entire event. In the run-up to the tournament, WHBSF President Lukas Scheiber and Secretary Michael Gruber, too, had put in a great deal of preparation. And on-site, it was up to Coordinator-In-Chief Roland Morat to ensure that everything ran smoothly and on schedule, while Walter Oberhofer, with the assistance of Luca Marini, provided a cheerful commentary as Master of Ceremonies.
All in all, it was a major celebration for the Haflinger community around the world – finally an opportunity to meet again, exchange ideas, compete and put on the grand stage the one thing that unites us: our great passion for the Haflinger breed.
Since the last edition, the skill sets and standards among riders, drivers and horses alike have increased remarkably, and the judges were noticeably impressed. The overall profile of the event has also gone up significantly – a development made especially evident by the fact that only FEI judges and stewards were on duty this time round.
For the medal table and a picture gallery, have a look below. And for a detailed report on the EUCH, make sure to check out the media!
Photo: TEAM myrtill
Medal winners Medal table Picture gallery
DRESSAGE: 4-year-olds / 5-year-olds / adult horses / advanced class
SHOW JUMPING: young horses / adult horses
EVENTING: young horses / adult horses
DRIVING: 4-5-year-olds / 6-year-olds / adult h. singles / adult h. pairs
TRAIL: young horses / adult horses
WESTERN PLEASURE: young horses / adult horses
HORSEMANSHIP: young horses / adult horses
RANCH RIDING: young horses / adult horses
REINING: young horses / adult horses
MOUNTAIN TRAIL: adult horses
What will happen with the World Show and the European Championship?

WHBSF delegates meet online
02/02/2021 – On Friday, 29 January 2021 the WHBSF delegates got together online for a 60-minute video conference, a format that has proven its worth in previous meetings: all countries can participate, from Australia to the USA to Hungary, and the delegates are glad about this opportunity for a more intensive exchange, especially when urgent issues are to be discussed.
World Show rescheduled
The first item on the agenda: the World Haflinger Show. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the date was already postponed from 2020 to 2021; only very recently, the Tyrolean association HPT announced that given the circumstances, staging the World Show in May this year was not possible. The World Show in particular depends on a live audience and nobody can possibly predict what the situation will be like in early summer.
It was therefore decided to return to the original five-year interval of the event and to hold the next World Show in 2025. The HPT has already applied to host the event, but all other member countries are of course free to submit their candidature in time for the General Assembly in autumn 2021.
European Championship in Stadl Paura in August 2021
Another item on the agenda was the European Haflinger Championship, which will go ahead as planned in August. Preparations in the member countries are ongoing. Even if most countries cannot hold qualifying tournaments at present, everybody is confident that the situation will improve during the summer. Taking account of the current difficult circumstances, the competition rules for driving and eventing have been adapted accordingly.
In a final round of feedback, the participants confirmed the importance of regular exchanges in a virtual meeting room that is open to all members of the WHBSF. Nevertheless, everybody is looking forward to the upcoming physical meetings that will be appreciated all the more!
EUHC regulations for admission: requirements lowered slightly
18/01/2021 – With preparations for the 2021 European Haflinger Championship in full swing, some places have already started holding qualification rounds. Due to Covid-related training deficits, some requirements have now been softened slightly – especially in the eventing discipline.
EUHC regulations for admission: Click here for the latest version (18 January 2021)
WHBSF General Assembly – New framework conditions are drivers of participation

10/11/2020 – The regular General Assembly of the World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation was held in a completely new format at Fohlenhof Ebbs on 25 September 2020: delegates from 15 member associations were present either on site or via video conferencing. Simultaneous interpretation provided seamless communication in the three languages German, English and Italian. Many of the participants had not been familiar with this format before but everybody agreed in the end: the new tool makes it possible to reach out across continents and to include all member associations in the further development of the Federation.
The President looks back
President Lukas Scheiber reported extensively on the most important events of the last year, where the focus was on preparations for the Haflinger World Show in Ebbs. Four dates had been scheduled for joint judges' trainings but ultimately, only the sessions in South Tyrol in late November and in Ebbs in late January could be held. The sessions planned for mid-March and early April in Schwaiganger and in Luxembourg had to be cancelled due to the coronovirus pandemic... Click here to read more
2020 Haflinger World Show in Ebbs: judges' training well under way

05/12/2019 – Curtains up for the training of the international judges working from 21 to 24 May 2020 at the upcoming Haflinger World Show in Ebbs: A total of four training sessions are scheduled, and in order to be eligible, all judges must have attended at least three of the four units.
From 22 to 23 November 2019, the training series was duly opened in South Tyrol – accompanied by a wine tasting session, a rich farmhouse-style autumn meal at a traditional inn and a merry get-together followed by an intensive training day with three presentations provided by Haflinger experts.
Next unit: Thursday 30 January 2020 at the Fohlenhof Ebbs stud farm in Ebbs (A).

Annual WHBSF General Assembly in Ebbs (A)
21/08/2019 – This year's WHBSF General Assembly will take place on 27 September 2019 from 14:30 to 15:45 at the Sattlerwirt hotel in Ebbs (A), followed by a meeting and info session about the 2020 Haflinger World Show. The event will be held at the Fohlenhof Ebbs stud farm and is open to the general public.

2020 Haflinger World Show
22/07/2019 – From 21 to 24 May 2020, the Fohlenhof Ebbs stud farm will be dedicated entirely to the 2020 Haflinger World Show. On 23 September 2016, the WHBSF General Assembly decided to put the Haflinger Breeders' Association Tyrol (HPT) in charge of organising and hosting the upcoming edition of this renowned breeding event held under the auspices of the World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation.
The regulations for admission are now available.
International Haflinger Show and Sport Championship in Pardubice

11/06/2019 – Two years ago, the 2017 Central European Haflinger Championship in Pardubice saw the first international Haflinger breeding and sports event take place in the Czech Republic, with more than 100 horses from four countries on the starting grid. This year, the Czech Haflinger Association will host yet another event open to participants from abroad: The International Haflinger Show and Sport Championship in Pardubice, which will take place at the occasion of the largest equestrian tournament in the Czech Republic, is sure to impressively illustrate the importance of Haflinger horses in breeding and sport.
Held at the most famous race track in the Czech Republic within the context of the long-standing Horses in Action show, the Championship is organised by the Czech Haflinger Association in cooperation with Racing Club Pardubice... Click here to read more
Czech Republic: Young Mares Show and outlook for 2019
31/01/2019 – The eleventh edition of the Czech Haflinger Young Mares Show took place in September 2018 at the occasion of the Republic's most popular horse show. With over 20,000 visitors, the annual event in the small town of Lysá attracts horse fans from near and far. The Czech Haflinger Association was therefore particularly keen to showcase its best horses in order to make an important contribution to the promotion of the breed. The majority of the mares in this edition come from Tyrol, although some very good horses bred in the Czech Republic were also part of the line-up.
Every year, at least two judges from the World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation – one from Italy and another from Austria – are among the judges. In 2018, the candidates were evaluated by WHBSF President Lukas Scheiber (A) and Günter Dejori from South Tyrol (I). Although a total of only thirteen candidates were scrutinised by the judges, coming up with the final ranking was not easy – especially among the three- and four-year-olds... Click here to read more
Haflinger horses presented at the China Horse Fair

19/10/2018 – The international promotion of the Haflinger breed continues to yield very positive results – especially in East Asia. In mid-October, WHBSF President Lukas Scheiber and Secretary General Michael Gruber travelled to Beijing for three days to attend the China Horse Fair for the third time. And their efforts have already paid off: This year, the first Haflinger horses were exported to China, even though the breed is still not very well known there. All the more reason for the two WHBSF officials to ensure the Federation is present at this key fair to inform about the Haflinger horse and continue to foster and cater to the great interest it evokes: Many conversations were held with representatives of the media, operators of equestrian centres and a number of officials... Click here to read more
5th WHBSF General Assembly in Ebbs

28/09/2018 – On 28 September 2018, the annual World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation General Assembly took place at Hotel Sattlerwirt in Ebbs (A). The majority of the 24 member organisations were represented by their respective directors or delegates – a clear sign of the great interest which the work of the Federation continues to evoke, and of the willingness to help shape it.
In a detailed retrospective, President Lukas Scheiber and Secretary General Michael Gruber looked back at the events of 2017, explaining the many initiatives to consolidate the cross-border cooperation and the projects aimed at harmonising the breeding approach. It was a frank, factual report outlining both the successful measures of the past year and the failed ones. "A great amount of time and energy has gone into making our evaluation results comparable, and yet we are far from the goal which we have set ourselves," President Scheiber declared, keeping his eye firmly on the bigger picture. His words echo the stance of the rest of the WHBSF management, whose declared objective it is to take a joint position aimed at strengthening the breed... Click here to read more
Thousands of visitors, 370 participants and over 330 Haflinger horses are expected at the 2018 European Haflinger Championship

23/07/2018 – Picture this: It's 2018. The last weekend of August. A carriage rides past you, making the gravel crunch and grit under its wheels. On the box seat: an elegant lady who appears to have come straight out of times long gone – as does her groom, dressed in flawless style and sporting a top hat. Strolling casually along his way, a cowboy lifts his hat in greeting as he spots two young riders in white breeches, black tailcoats and graceful silk hats.
No – we are not on the set of a horse-themed movie about the different disciplines of equestrian sports. We're at the Stadl-Paura Equestrian Centre in Upper Austria, where the 2018 European Haflinger Championship takes place from 22 to 25 August. But in a sea of tournaments, what makes this one stand out? It's the sheer diversity of protagonists it attracts... Click here to read more
2018 Haflindex

28/02/2018 – With the selection of Haflinger colts now successfully concluded, the Italian National Association of Haflinger Horse Breeders has drawn up a comprehensive index containing the genetic information of the Italian Haflinger population.
In its position as one of the organisations in charge of the original stud books for the Haflinger breed, by publishing the 2018 Haflindex ANACRHAI has put into practice the new EU guidelines regarding the evaluation of a horse's breeding value.
In South Tyrol/Italy, genetic evaluation methods have been in use since the early 1990s to help put breeding on a scientific foundation and offer the breeders a set of objective criteria for choosing the right animals for breeding. Among other things, ANACRHAI also carries out genetic evaluations for third parties – e.g. for the Swiss Haflinger Federation (SHV).
Selection of Haflinger colts in the original breeding regions

19/02/2018 – From the very beginning, promoting measures to ensure the comparability of evaluations has been one of the declared goals of the WHBSF-led cooperation between the organisations in charge of the original stud books for the Haflinger breed. To this end, in 2018 the colt selection events in South Tyrol/Italy, northern Tyrol and the breeding region covered by ARGE were for the first time synchronised to take place around the same time to create a framework of comparable conditions.
A team of judges consisting of an ANACRHAI Haflinger expert, another expert of the Provincial Federation of South Tyrol Haflinger Horse Breeders, a HPT judge and an ARGE judge was put in charge of selecting the young Haflinger candidates. The process was coordinated by WHBSF Secretary Michael Gruber and accompanied by Cornelia Back, and the team worked entirely in the background without intervening in the national selection procedures.
The aim was to test a joint evaluation system that includes a description of the colts according to the linear evaluation system. An ambitious project – and it proved once more that the Haflinger experts work together well and harmoniously, with coinciding ideas of what an ideal Haflinger horse should look like.
Once the evaluation process was concluded, however, choosing the colts which were to be rated "OSB approved" (i.e. recognised by the original stud books for the Haflinger breed) turned out to be a slightly more difficult matter: It had been agreed that, for the duration of one year, those colts would be eligible to be presented in Italy and Austria without additional evaluations. And it is here that the different approaches adopted by the individual breeders' organisations, caused by the differing legal and zoo-technical frameworks, became more evident. Nevertheless, the representatives of the original stud book organisations were determined to overcome the issue – and, after an in-depth debate, it was agreed to recognise the Selection outcomes decided by the national judges' teams and to declare all colts selected in Stadl-Paura, Egna/Neumarkt and Ebbs in the year 2018 to be "OSB approved".
Selection results: Stadl-Paura – Egna/Neumarkt – Ebbs
Training for Haflinger judges

One of the core topics of the WHBSF is the continued training and professional development of Haflinger experts and judges. To that end, the Federation offers a number of training courses throughout the year – to begin with, they are centred predominantly on the main breeding regions, but with the aim of providing an ample portfolio of activities for all member organisations, in the near future the remainder of the Haflinger community will also be targeted.
The upcoming dates are Thursday 14 December 2017 at Hotel Sattlerwirt in Ebbs (A) and Friday 12 January 2018 in Munich Riem (D).
Schedule for 14/12/2017
- 10:00 brief welcome by WHBSF President Lukas Scheiber
- 10:10 "Impact of a faulty conformation on a horse's movements and action" – speaker: Prof. Dr. Hartmut Gerhards, Head of the Clinic for Horses (department of Equine Internal Medicine and Surgery/Forensic Veterinary Medicine) at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU) Munich
- 12:00 lunch break
- 13:30 presentation of the WHBSF "Standardised Selection" project – speaker: Michael Gruber, WHBSF Secretary General
- 14:00 "Linear description using digital data processing: experiences and findings" – speaker: Cornelia Back, Breeding Supervisor of Landesverband Bayerischer Pferdezüchter e.V. (Federation of Bavarian Horse Breeders)
- 15:00 discussion – moderator: Dr Erich Messner
- 15:30 overview of the day and conclusion
Haflinger horses on stage in China

In autumn 2017, the WHBSF's second visit to the international China Horse Fair took President Lukas Scheiber and Secretary Michael Gruber to Beijing – on a mission as Haflinger ambassadors.
With the Chinese market expanding at great speed, now is an essential time to present the Haflinger and its many virtues to raise awareness of the breed. Leisure riding in particular has seen a surge in demand: China has countless equestrian clubs, and the horse sector overall appears to be growing steadily. A very favourable setting for the Haflinger breed: Well-trained horses are typically in great demand in up-and-coming sectors such as those now emerging in China.
And with that in mind, the WHBSF strives to further expand its international network and form strategic partnerships to globally solidify the Haflinger breed's position as a strong brand.
Board of Directors' meeting and Haflinger Congress

At the latest Haflinger Congress on 29 September 2017 in Ebbs (A), the Federation officials presented a number of ambitious WHBSF projects together with the current activities of the organisations in charge of the original stud books for the Haflinger breed, ANACRHAI and HPT. Among them is the introduction of a joint evaluation system, which from 2018 will be put to the test in the breeding regions covered by ANACRHAI, HPT and ARGE Austria. In the same context, the judges' training is to be intensified at both theoretical and practical level.
Thanks to the commitment and efforts of the WHBSF Sports Committee, the regulations for admission to the 2018 European Haflinger Championship, too, were ready just in time to be presented to the public at the Congress. The next edition of the EUCH will take place in late August in Stadl-Paura (A), while the undisputed highlight of Haflinger breeding, the World Show, will take place in Ebbs (A) in 2020.
In short, the Congress featured a comprehensive range of information, which the international audience followed with great interest.
Out now: the 2018 EUCH regulations for admission!

After months of intensive work to prepare the 2018 European Haflinger Championship from 23 to 25 August in Stadl-Paura (A), the WHBSF Sports Committee has now made it official: The new regulations for admission are out now.
With a number of new discipline and several additions to the Western section, the tournament now also features Western Horsemanship and Ranch Riding. But there's more: The new edition also includes free jumping and Mountain Trail, a discipline open to all riding styles – after all, Haflingers are mountain horses famous for their calm and sure-footed nature, which they now have a chance to flaunt all over again.
The upcoming EUCH will also feature a special prize for stallions with outstanding results in the individual tournament classes.
Another novelty: In the driving, dressage and eventing disciplines, it is now up to the participants to decide whether to register their six-year old horse in the Young horses class or among the horses aged 6+.
For some of the disciplines, the rules have yet to be fine-tuned to perfection and will be published shortly – but the many comments and suggestions submitted in the past few months have been analysed and successfully integrated. And, once more, the national organisations will be happy to collect your questions, comments and feedback and pass it on to the host.
We wish you the best of luck, success and fun in getting ready for the 2018 EUCH and look forward to seeing you in Stadl-Paura!
Haflinger Congress in Ebbs (A)

On Friday 29 September 2017 from 15:00 to 17:00, the latest WHBSF Haflinger Congress will take place at Hotel Sattlerwirt in Ebbs (A). On the agenda:
- the joint evaluation system
- the Selection weekend in February 2018: dates and details
- 2018 European Haflinger Championship
- 2020 Haflinger World Show
- and many more
The Haflinger Congress is open to the public.
Central European Haflinger Championship in Pardubice (CZ)

Friday 4 to Sunday 6 August 2017 - Pardubice
Czech Haflinger Association together with Association of Horse Breeders of the Czech Republic and in cooperation with World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation (WHBSF) are organising an international Haflinger event with the goal of increasing the activity and potential of Haflinger breeders in the region of Central Europe. The event will take place at the most famous racecourse in the Czech Republic – in the city of Pardubice. It will include a Haflinger Show, Sport Championship and Seminar followed by practical workshop. This event is open to all Haflinger breeders and lovers from all around the Europe, especially from neighbouring and close countries (Slovakia, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Poland etc.). So please, save the date and come with your horses to the Czech Republic!
Event schedule and registration
Timetable Organisational Information
Photo galleries from Věra Marková
WHBSF management visits Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (D)
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It was at the joint invitation of IG Haflinger M/V (Interessengemeinschaft der Züchter und Halter der Haflingerrasse Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), a pool of Haflinger owners and breeders in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Horse Breeders' Federation (Verband der Pferdezüchter M/V) that WHBSF President Lukas Scheiber and Secretary General Michael Gruber recently travelled to Germany accompanied by Haflinger expert and vet Dr Alessandro Botte, with the aim of gaining an overview and insight into Haflinger breeding in the northern German federal state.
The meeting had been organised thanks to the commitment and efforts of Holger Reimer, a passionate Haflinger breeder, and took place at the occasion of the State Haflinger Mares Show and young breeders contest, both hosted by the IGH.
After a visit to the State Stud Redefin and the MAZ trade fair and exhibition centre in Mühlengeez, the schedule also included dinner with Jörg Hasselmann, President of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Horse Breeders' Federation, and Uwe Witt, Director and Breeding Supervisors of the Federation. During the final leg of their trip, the delegation also met with breeders and other interested stakeholders to talk about key topics at the core of the WHBSF and the organisations in charge of the original stud books.
The 2018 European Haflinger Championship goes to Stadl Paura

It’s all wrapped up and official: The 2018 European Haflinger Championship will take place from 23 to 25 August 2018 in the Austrian town of Stadl Paura.
All relevant documents will be published shortly. The disciplines and procedures will remain largely unchanged.
The WHBSF would like to thank all applicants for their interest in hosting the tournament. Stadl Paura was chosen for its convenient location, as it is an ideal venue for many member countries both in terms of geography and of logistics, and because the interest demonstrated by the Stadl Paura team in collaborating with the Federation turned out to be very promising indeed.
Watch this space for more information.

Australian Haflinger Horse Breeders Association
Out now: the Australian Haflinger Horse Breeders Association newsletter
Click here to download the latest edition
Third World Haflinger Congress in Marlengo/Marling (I)

WHBSF top management panels confirmed
At the 2017 edition of the annual World Haflinger Congress on 29 April in Marlengo/Marling (Italy), President Lukas Scheiber provided a detailed account of the Federation's first few years followed by expert talks and presentations on scientific aspects of horse breeding.
With the first four-year mandate coming to an end, elections were held to determine who will guide the WHBSF through the next term of office. President Lukas Scheiber, Secretary Michael Gruber, the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee were re-elected and confirmed in office.
The election outcomes at a glance:
President: Lukas Scheiber (HPT, Austria)
1st Vice-President: Norbert Rier (ANACRHAI, Italy)
2nd Vice-President: Mathieu Ringler (France)

Board of Directors
Emily Bambridge (Haflinger Society of Great Britain, UK)
Giancarlo Gigatti (ANACRHAI, Italy)
Walter Werni (ARGE Austria)
Hans Schiller (FN Germany)
Norbert Schumacher (Luxembourg)
Wolfgang Kreikenbohm (associate members' representative)
Audit Committee
Edy Biot (Luxembourg)
Jaroslav Drazan (Czech Republic)
Chuck Hendershot (USA)
Secretary: Michael Gruber (Provincial Federation of South Tyrol Haflinger Horse Breeders, Italy)
Report 2017 World Haflinger Congress
Photos (by Fotopress Arigossi)
Third World Haflinger Congress a Marlengo/Marling (IT)

The 2017 General Assembly will take place on Saturday 29 April from 9.00 to 12.30 in Marlengo/Marling near Merano/Meran, South Tyrol (Italy). Key items on the agenda include electing the new Board, upcoming projects and an update on the work of the Sports Committee and of the Commission of Experts for the Haflinger breed. The General Assembly is open to the public.
The annual stud book registration event presenting 150 new mares will take place on the same day.
Getting to know the Far East

A WHSBF delegation has recently travelled to Asia to attend the Horse Industry Expo Korea 2016 fair in Seoul, followed by the tenth China Horse Fair in Beijing. The aim of the trip was to further consolidate the ties established with the South Korean equestrian sector over the course of the last few years and to gain an insight into the Chinese horse market. Both trade fairs proved to be a most interesting and rewarding experience.
Second World Haflinger Congress: blazing the trail into a shared future

With a panel of high-profile speakers and 100 delegates from all 26 member organisations who had travelled to the Austrian town of Ebbs to attend the much-anticipated 2nd World Haflinger Congress, last Friday 23 September 2016, ended up exceeding all expectations.
The conference was opened with an introduction to the Haflinger Sports Committee presented by Bruno Six, Lothar Zebisch and Roland Morat and then got right down to business with a talk about PSSM (Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy) and its impact on Haflinger breeding, expertly outlined by Dr Thomas Druml. A detailed account of EU-Regulation no. 2016/1012, the new "Animal Breeding Regulation", by Jeanne Bormann of the Luxembourg Ministry of Agriculture concluded the presentation series and rounded off a broad spectrum of topics.
Illustrating once more the substantial significance of the WHBSF in its role as umbrella organisation for all Haflinger associations dedicated to breeding and sports, the Congress served to collect and connect insights from science, provide a platform on which to exchange expertise and experience and, ultimately, join forces and resources in promoting equestrian sports initiatives at local, national and above all European level.
The unequivocal facts of the new animal breeding Regulation highlighted how far-sighted a step the 2013 foundation of the WHBSF had been, as the Federation clearly defines that, for a number of crucial matters, the authority to give directions lies with the original Haflinger stud book. And the two organisations in charge of the original stud books – ANACRHAI and HPT – are well aware of their key role, as their officials' announcement demonstrated: The two have vowed to work together even more closely to elaborate a joint evaluation system in defining the breeding aims and the criteria for selection currently used. The new system will be introduced during the 2018 selection season and will feature a joint selection committee and a concerted schedule of selection events all throughout the main breeding regions.
Sport, health and marketing

WHBSF Haflinger Congress in Ebbs (A) on 23 September 2016
The WHBSF is faced with an ever-increasing level of expectations: As the Federation grows in numbers, the needs of the individual member organisations are starting to take on a whole range of different shapes – and it is only logical that much is expected from the Federation itself, but also from the organisations which hold the original stud books and from the Commission of Experts for the Haflinger breed. As President Lukas Scheiber aptly put it: "Our members now want specific guidelines regarding the standardisation of the evaluation systems, joint judges' training initiatives and clearly defined rules both for selecting colts and for the performance test. Another key step to is to devise a joint marketing plan and a modern, strategic communication approach to widen the perspectives and make the Haflinger breed popular in places where it might not yet be very widely known."
Backed by the Board of Directors, the Direction now suggests focusing the international attention of the Federation more closely on topics which are of direct interest to the member organisations and promising for the development of the breed. And to get the ball rolling, the WHBSF will begin by organising an annual World Haflinger Congress dealing with matters of current interest to the Haflinger breed at changing locations, to create a positive signal and further enhance the appeal of the breed.
Event schedule
The Haflinger Congress will take place from 15 to 18 in the afternoon of 23 September 2016 at Hotel Sattlerwirt in Ebbs. Host: Michael Gruber, WHBSF Secretary
- a brief welcome by President Lukas Scheiber
- Haflinger Sports Committee: members, aims and framework conditions for the 2018 European Haflinger Championship
Speakers: Roland Morat (I), Bruno Six (D) and Lothar Zebisch (A) - PSSM (Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy) and its impact on Haflinger breeding
Speaker: Dr Thomas Druml (A) - The new EU Animal Breeding Regulation - focus on horse breeding (regulation (EU) No 2016/1012)
Speaker: Ing. agr. Jeanne Bormann (Ministry of agriculture – Luxembourg)
The Congress will be held in German, Italian and English and is open to everyone.
WHBSF annual General Assembly
This year's General Assembly was held in eastern Luxembourg – at the occasion of the Haflinger Club Lëtzeburg's Interregional Haflinger Show, which took place from 01 to 03 July 2016 in Ettelbrück.
In their review, the Federation officials described 2015 as "a year filled with major events". At the meeting, President Lukas Scheiber and Secretary Michael Gruber gave an account of the many initiatives aimed at strengthening, improving and expanding the reach of the Haflinger breed.
The National Horse Breeding Association Bulgaria was voted to become the latest WHBSF member, bringing the count up to 23 full and three associate members.
The General Assembly furthermore decided to organise an annual World Haflinger Congress focusing on matters of current interest to the Haflinger breed.
Paul Groves meets WHBSF officials

Paul Groves, President of the Australian Haflinger Horse Breeders Association, recently met with the WHBSF direction to talk about joint initiatives: On his journey across Europe, he travelled to Milan (I), Ebbs (A) and Bolzano/Bozen (I) to meet Federation President Lukas Scheiber at the Young Mares' Show and, a few days later, Secretary Michael Gruber. In a friendly get-together, they discussed their plans for future collaborations.
The Australian Haflinger Horse Breeders Association is a full member of the World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation.
WHBSF General Assembly on 01 July in Ettelbrück (L)

Annual plenary meeting to be held on the occasion of the Haflinger Club Lëtzeburg's Interregional Haflinger Show (01-03 July 2016)
In collaboration with the Studbook Luxembourgeois pour Chevaux Haflinger a.s.b.l./Luxemburger Zuchtverband für Haflingerpferde, on the first weekend in July the Haflinger Club Lëtzeburg will celebrate its 35th anniversary at the 2016 Ettelbrück Agriculture Show (Foire Agricole d'Ettelbruck/FAE). To mark the occasion, breeders from the Benelux countries, Germany and France are invited and encouraged to participate in the Interregional Haflinger Show which takes place from 01 to 03 July 2016.
Save the date: The annual WHBSF General Assembly will be held in Ettelbrück in eastern Luxembourg on Friday 01 July 2016.
Board of Directors' meeting on 11 December 2015

- A Sports Committee will be set up to better promote Haflinger sports in the future. The committee will consist of an Extended Panel with a maximum of one person per member organisation and a Core Panel comprising six persons, who will be chosen by the Board of Directors out of the ranks of the Extended Panel. Two of these six persons will be appointed by the HPT and ANACRHAI as organizations which keep the original stud books for the Haflinger breed.
- A series of measures should be initiated to inspect and monitor equine health which allow the WHBSF to work together with scientific institutions.
- While the national judges' training is the responsibility of the member organisations, the WHBSF is in charge of preparing national judges for international assignments. At the request of individual member organisations, the national judges' training can also be carried out by the organisations which hold the original stud books for the Haflinger breed (ANACRHAI and HPT).
- All requests concerning the assignment of international judges at international shows must be submitted to the WHBSF Secretary's office and will be handled by the judges' coordinators. All travel expenses including the judges' meals and accommodation will have to be covered by the requesting organisation. At the Board of Directors' discretion, the costs of some special judges' assignments can be requested to be paid for by the WHBSF.
- The next General Assembly will take place on 01 July 2016 at the occasion of the International Haflinger Show in Ettelbrück (LU).
WHBSF put in charge of the European Haflinger Championship

After the 2015 Haflinger World Show set the course for quite an athletic year this June in Ebbs, from 17 to 20 September the 2015 European Haflinger Championship united some 250 contestants from all over Europe and their Haflinger horses in the Italian town of Vermezzo near Milan.
Fostering Haflinger breeding and sports is at the top of the WHBSF's agenda – and in Vermezzo, another giant step was taken in that very direction: The organisation of the European Haflinger Championship was officially and solemnly handed over to the World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation.
Upon accepting the task, President Lukas Scheiber announced that in order to duly promote Haflinger sports at international level, the WHBSF would nominate a sports committee consisting of competent and committed experts. Federation Secretary Michael Gruber added that the committee would look into the modalities and possible locations for the next edition.
A tradition established in 2003, the European Haflinger Championship takes place at three-year intervals, in the past in:
• Stadl Paura (A) in 2003
• Munich Riem (D) in 2006
• Merano/Meran (I) in 2009
• Stadl Paura in 2012
• Vermezzo near Milan (I) in 2015
Round one marks a huge success

Federation members united for the breed: the Haflinger World Show consolidates the role of the WHBSF as a key stakeholder body.
When in the afternoon of the first Sunday in June the big event slowly drew to an end after four exciting days, from the host to the participants and viewers, everyone agreed: The Haflinger World Show has marked a clear-cut turning point. It was the first World Show held under the auspices of the World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation, the first to be hosted by the new direction of the Haflinger Breeders' Association Tyrol and the first to employ a wholly international judges' team – and it proved an all-round success.
Click here to read more
2015 Haflinger World Show – an all-round success!

For four exciting days, the world's Haflinger elite was at the centre of attention at the Fohlenhof Ebbs stud farm in Austria. The 2015 Haflinger World Show elected the finest Haflingers worldwide in a total of 40 categories, and on top of that the best horses from each participating country. Choosing the winners was no easy task for the appointed teams of international judges, but the intensive WHBSF training sessions and preparations of the past two years paid off on all levels – the contests were fair, everyone was well-prepared and both the crowd and the breeders agreed: This World Show was one of a kind. The World Federation has grown closer, the judges have started to work side by side, the breeders have closed ranks and both cultural and language barriers have long been overcome. Everyone present praised the very high levels of quality achieved in recent Haflinger breeding, especially in the main breeding regions. And thanks to its impeccable organisational efforts, the Haflinger Breeders' Association Tyrol successfully ensured that everything ran smoothly and that there was no time to get bored thanks to a full and diverse schedule of events.
With such a solid foundation to build on, the Haflinger world is now ready for a new chapter – and the 2015 Haflinger World Show has shown beyond doubt that everyone at the WHBSF is pulling in the same direction!
Hungary joins WHBSF

The World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation has a new full member: On 03 June, at the occasion of the 2015 Haflinger World Show in Ebbs, the WHBSF General Assembly voted to accept Póni és Kislótenyésztők Országos Egyesülete, the Hungarian National Pony and Small Horse Breeders' Association, as its latest member, bringing the count up to 22 full and four associate members.
Toward a new "world Haflinger"

The Haflinger world is bustling with activity: In northern Tyrol, the preparations for the World Show in June are running at full speed. But the day-to-day business of Haflinger breeding too requires a great deal of attention: Spring is typically the time for a wealth of shows, contests and stud book registration events for new mares – and this year, both in northern Tyrol and in South Tyrol the organisation of most major events is strongly marked by the upcoming Haflinger World Show in Ebbs.
For months, all judges scheduled to work at the Show from 04 to 07 June 2015 have been undergoing intensive training at the many spring-time breeding events on both sides of the border. Alongside Ebbs, Kematen and Imst in Austria, the Italian towns of Avelengo/Hafling, Lana and Merano/Meran offer ideal stages for the World Show dress rehearsals: By evaluating a large number of Haflinger horses, the judges can train their eye and adjust their focus to fit a joint set of standards for their mission in Ebbs.
The judges' teams were put together several months ago in an effort to ensure that every team gets a chance to judge two or more events in the line-up earmarked for the big day. With the help of such a high-profile training initiative, the judges are provided with an excellent chance to get to know each other, fine-tune their joint approach, run through all the individual steps, identify any points which might require further discussion and clarify any doubts and issues.
Setting a whole new trend
This whole process is part of a new set of standards which the WHBSF has gone to great lengths to consolidate since its foundation: The judges' credibility adds further importance to the wholehearted seriousness with which the Federation works towards harmonising the breed in a concerted effort. At the same time, an approach based on intensive dialogue almost automatically creates a common denominator and vision of how to define the breeding aims for Haflinger horses. And the resulting exchange not only brings the breeders, judges and Federation officials closer together but also creates the right impulse for renewed commitment.
With plenty of new impetus on board, the 2015 Haflinger World Show is all set to become an unforgettable day out for visitors and participants alike – and of course filled to the brim with the world's prettiest Haflinger horses!
Haflinger horses: breeding and sports – from the bottom to the top

On the last weekend in January, the 7th International Breeders' Seminar took over the Trachselwald Haflinger Centre in Switzerland: Held for the first time under the auspices of the World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation, the symposium was organised by the two Swiss Haflinger breeders' associations. Its notable speakers included WHBSF President Lukas Scheiber and Bruno Six, sports judge and long-standing director of the Gut Matheshof Horse Riding and Tournament Centre in Kreuth (D), as well as Roland Morat, who has made a name for himself as a FISE (Italian Equestrian Sports Federation) and ANACRHAI (National Association of Breeders of Italian Haflinger Horses) sports judge.
The event was yet another prime example of the thoroughly positive developments in international Haflinger breeding: Only a few years ago, most breeders' seminars were governed by heated discussions about major differences and national regulations – this year however, the meeting was all about what brings the breeding community closer together. A noteworthy theme was the general consensus that breeding and sports should complement each other and that all relative initiatives should be coordinated to ensure they match their joint objectives.
Lukas Scheiber quite accurately described 2015 as the Haflinger year par excellence: Alongside many smaller events, in June this year Ebbs (A) will provide a venue for breeders from all over the world to meet and compete at the 2015 Haflinger World Show, while in September the Italian town of Vermezzo near Milan will see Haflinger athletes fight for a whole range of much sough-after titles at the European Haflinger Championship.
With Secretary Michael Gruber presenting the event, Roland Morat and Bruno Six offered a number of ideas and suggestions to boost the Haflinger market and continue developing the performance tests for stallions and aptitude tests for mares. A lively discussion ensued and many more key topics were collected. They will be embraced by the core of the WHBSF in the weeks and months to come.
Host Peter Zimmermann was pleased with the outcome of the seminar and promised to invite the representatives of the international Haflinger scene back to Trachselwald for another round of constructive exchange next year.
Judges' meeting in preparation of the World Haflinger Show

Strong international interest
The preparations for the 2015 World Haflinger Show are in full swing. The host, the Haflinger Breeders' Association Tyrol, has long been going to great lengths to ensure the event will be a one-of-a-kind show for all horse breeders and fans, and several WHBSF bodies have been meeting regularly to make sure all important decisions are made by consensus. In this spirit, on 6 February the WHBSF judges and experts for the Haflinger breed met in Ebbs (A) to discuss and define the details of how to proceed on the big day.
"The judges' and experts' contribution is essential for the success of the Haflinger World Show. Therefore, the right preparations have to be made well in advance: To allow the judges to fine-tune the way they work together, they must be offered the possibility of working together a number of times long before the Show", President Lukas Scheiber explained. For him, a competent team of judges is vital: "We have already put together the teams. Now, the next step is for them to judge at least two Haflinger shows in a joint effort. This will allow us to smooth out any last issues which we might come across", he added.
The Board of Directors members were also delighted about the strong international interest in the 2015 Haflinger World Show – this year's edition will have more participants than any other world show in the history of the Haflinger breed.
Hungary applies for membership

In as little as two years, the WHBSF has grown to a sizeable union with 27 members from almost all countries in which Haflinger horses are bred. The Federation was founded to promote Haflinger breeding and sports and to provide one roof for Haflinger organisations from around the world. Its latest application for membership was submitted by Póni és Kislótenyésztők Országos Egyesülete, the Hungarian National Pony and Small Horse Breeders' Association. On a recent trip to Hungary, Secretary Michael Gruber met the Association officials and assessed whether the candidate meets the requirements for membership. The outcome of the visit was positive, and the application will be put to the vote at the next General Assembly.
2015 International Breeders' Seminar

organised by the World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation in collaboration with the Swiss Haflinger federations.
Held for the seventh time at the Trachselwald Haflinger Centre in Switzerland, this year's International Breeders' Seminar will cover a variety of topics among which international cooperation approaches, the harmonisation of Haflinger breeding and the use of Haflinger horse in equestrian sports. WHBSF President Lukas Scheiber and Walter Werni of ARGE Austria will speak on behalf of the Federation while a number of other well-known speakers will give talks about novelty topics and ideas. WHBSF Director Michael Gruber will go through the agenda engaging the participants in a dialogue about the opportunities and possibilities of the new global Haflinger Federation.
A unique chance for Haflinger breeders and equestrian sports fans to meet, network and exchange views with participants from a number of countries!
Haflinger horses around the world

WHBSF provides assistance in establishing Haflinger breeding in South Korea
Haflinger horses are at home all over the world: Their appealing looks and versatile nature make them the ideal companion for the whole family. Already a popular choice for horse fans of all ages in many parts of the world, the breed is now all set to conquer South Korea – and after a first few successful imports from South Tyrol and Germany, the South Korean initiators have come to attach great importance to the Federation's professional assistance. WHBSF Secretary Michael Gruber has already established key contacts and strengthened the collaboration with KRA (Korea Racing Authority). To that purpose, he recently also attended an international symposium organised at the occasion of the Horse Industry Expo in Gwacheon near Seoul to talk about Haflinger husbandry and breeding, and to offer advice on how to go about setting up a Haflinger breeders' community and culture in new countries.
2015 Haflinger World Show

Preparations well under way
With the preparations for 04 to 07 June 2015 in full swing, the 2015 Haflinger World Show in Ebbs is all set for success. While the host – the Haflinger Breeders' Association Tyrol (Haflinger Pferdezuchtverband Tirol/HPT) – is busy working on the small and greater details of this major event, the WHBSF members have already been asked to begin selecting the horses to be entered in the Show. The member organisations have also been invited to contribute to the schedule with events accompanying the Show to reflect the versatile nature of the Haflinger breed.
Regulations for admission
World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation meetings in Ebbs (A)

Boost for international cooperation to promote Haflinger breeding and sports
On 26 September 2014, representatives of almost all WHBSF bodies met in Ebbs to talk about a series of topics.
The Audit Committee led the way and opened a long day of talks and meetings with a discussion of the Federation's financial business and the funding provided by the regional government of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen-South Tyrol, a generous grant which endows the WHBSF with the means to fund its extensive scope of action.
The Board of Directors then discussed this year's activities with a special focus on the WHBSF judges' training and PR activities.
WHBSF General Assembly on Friday 26 September 2014 in Ebbs (A)

On Friday 26 September 2014 at 1 pm the next WHBSF General Assembly will take place at the Sattlerwirt Hotel in Ebbs (A).
Meeting agenda
- Reading and approval of the minutes taken at the General Assembly held on 08 June 2013
- Activities since the last meeting; financial report and forecast
- Expansion of an organisation's geographic scope of operations: decision on how to proceed in the future
- 2015 Haflinger World Show
- Membership: decision on new entries and general discussion
- Plans for 2015 and 2016
- Miscellaneous
The General Assembly will be followed by a presentation dedicated to the 2015 Haflinger World Show and the 2015 European Haflinger Championship at the Fohlenhof Ebbs stud farm starting from 6 pm, to which all delegates and anyone accompanying them are warmly invited.
"Haflinger horses in 2014" – World Haflinger Congress in Merano/Meran

Combining international competence and creating new perspectives
With 140 years of Haflinger breeding to celebrate, the South Tyrol Haflinger County Show provided the ideal setting for the very first WHBSF World Haflinger Congress. On 8 June 2014, the historic Kurhaus guild hall and its elegant Pavillon des Fleurs ballroom served as a grand venue for a number of high-profile guests and delegates who had travelled to Merano/Meran from all over Europe and as far as South Korea and the USA. President Lukas Scheiber opened the meeting calling the third annual WHBSF General Assembly whose agenda, amongst other things, included putting the application for membership presented by the Swiss Haflinger Federation (Schweizerischer Haflingerverband/SHV) to the vote. This brand-new member brings the count up to 21 full and five associate members.
The annual General Assembly was rounded off with a rich buffet breakfast followed by the World Haflinger Congress. With a top-level panel which engaged in a comprehensive debate full of valuable ideas and expert contributions, the Congress was a true novelty which thanks to the skilful presentation provided by WHBSF Secretary Michael Gruber managed to cover a wide spectrum of key topics for athletes, breeders and other Haflinger experts.
Lukas Scheiber introduced the symposium offering a brief overview of the significance of cooperating at international level. Rudolf Hussl, head of the livestock breeding department at the Tyrolean Chamber of Agriculture (A) and interim Director of the Haflinger Breeders' Association Tyrol (HPT), and Giuseppe Pigozzi, Director of the National Association of Breeders of Italian Haflinger Horses (ANACRHAI), gave an outline of the legal context of keeping a breeding register: a vital topic in the face of the many different national approaches adopted so far. The Congress was yet another good example of a new era of open-minded discussion and the willingness to debate and exchange on a level playing field, which the WHBSF has heralded in with its foundation.

The past, presence and future of the breed
Topics such as these highlight over and over again that the WHBSF is a platform open to outright, constructive dialogue. Ulrich Wulf, editor of Haflinger Aktuell, a German-language magazine dedicated to Haflinger horses, contributed with a talk on the significance of PR and the media and the impact they can have on the image of the breed. Over the past decades, the perception and image of Haflinger horses has changed greatly thanks to new insights and methods of selection. In his position as coordinator of the judges' group, Dr Andrea Sgambati illustrated the complex issues inherent to creating a scientific basis for breeding and selection, providing a series of very graphic images of several different Haflinger types among which a forty-year old photo of a stallion whose back appeared far too wide to hold a saddle and a self-made drawing of what Haflinger horses might look like in twenty years' time – in short, a truly impressive interpretation of the origins, development and potential future of the breed. Walter Werni from Styria (A) gave a clear account of the requirements which a modern Haflinger horse must meet and stressed that judges, riders, drivers and breeders alike need to be aware of the great responsibility they have towards the horse to allow both Haflinger breeding and sport to be successful.

International pool of expertise
Using Haflinger horses in equestrian sports was the central focus of both Austrian Haflinger expert and passionate eventing rider Sandra Lindner and Jennifer Rousseau from the US, who specialises in breeding, training and sport. While Sandra Lindner illustrated the Austrian perspective on sports and how to inspire young people for it with plenty of data and figures, her North American colleague complemented this key aspect of the Congress with a series of to-the-point thoughts on the image and marketing of Haflinger horses accompanied by a selection of sample photographs. Peter Zimmermann of the Swiss Haflinger Federation quite accurately summarised the day's insights: The WHBSF has access to an enormous pool of knowledge and skills. Therefore it is essential to bring the best of each area of expertise on board and develop a set of concepts and standards which will benefit all members of the Haflinger community.
In this sense, the Congress has clearly met its aim of creating new stimulus and momentum. But it was the passion and authentic enthusiasm that resounded in all of the speakers' contributions and was met with a series of decisive nods and approval throughout the audience which made the event all the more remarkable.
In conclusion, the 2014 World Haflinger Congress was a day filled to the brim with new impressions, input and insights which unsurprisingly led to a number of further discussions in a friendly, constructive atmosphere thanks to everybody's readiness to contribute with their expertise and ideas. It seems that, as suggested by the breeders and participants present, the Congress will establish itself to become a solid institution of Haflinger breeding!
National judges' meeting in Ebbs

After the training sessions of the international judges appointed for the 2015 Haflinger World Show, in early May the WHBSF also organised a session for national judges who have not yet acquired the international judges' certification. As expected, interest was strong at the event which on 2 May united some 30 experts from several different member organisations in Ebbs (A) in a bid to provide information about the evaluation systems currently in use at the organisations which hold the original stud books for the Haflinger breed. The session started off with a series of talks and presentations by Dr Andrea Sgambati, Robert Mair and Hannes Neuner and was rounded off by practical exercises at the Fohlenhof Ebbs stud farm and during the Zillertal valley and the Wipptal/Stubai valley Haflinger Shows.
Another round of intensive work

While a meticulous preparation for the 2015 Haflinger World Show is the principal aim of the training sessions organised for the international group of judges and experts for the Haflinger breed, they are already showing another positive long-term side effect: the yet unmatched intensity with which the participants address key issues and requirements connected to judging Haflinger horses. Based on constant dialogue and exchange between individual judges and experts for the Haflinger breed, this new initiative has created a more harmonised perception and view of the breed, an approach from which all breeders and the breed itself can benefit in the long run.
Training sessions very well received

The mares' book registration events in Imst and Ebbs (Austria) provided a good setting for the first two units in a series of training sessions organised for the group of judges and experts for the Haflinger breed who will work at the 2014 Haflinger World Show. In an approach based on joint judging on a regular basis, the training aims to improve the experts' awareness and understanding of the requirements related to their job. The next training session will be held at the breeding register entry event in Merano/Meran (Italy).
Judges' training sessions in 2014 – dates and agenda

The coordinators' team has now drawn up a schedule for the spring-time training sessions. The agenda is divided into two different approaches:
a) Training of judges and experts for the 2015 Haflinger World Show
All judges and experts for the Haflinger breed scheduled to work at the Haflinger World Show from 4 to 7 June 2015 in Ebbs must attend a minimum of two of the following dates – preferably one in South Tyrol (Italy) and one in northern Tyrol (Austria):
- Saturday 5 April – mares' book registration event in Imst /Tyrol (Austria)
- Saturday 12 April – mares' book registration event in Ebbs/Tyrol (Austria)
- Friday 25 to Sunday 27 April – breeding register entry event in Merano/Meran (Italy)
- Saturday 3 May – Zillertal valley Haflinger Show in Tyrol (Austria)
- Saturday 4 May – Wipptal-Stubai valley Haflinger Show in Tyrol (Austria)
- Friday 6 to Sunday 8 June – South Tyrol Haflinger County Show in Merano/Meran (Italy)
b) Training of national judges' groups
Training sessions for national judges start on Friday 2 May 2014 (9 am) at the Fohlenhof Ebbs stud farm (A) with theory lessons and practical contents. Practical experience can be gained at the Zillertal valley Haflinger Show (Saturday 3 May) and/or at the Wipptal/Stubai valley event (Sunday 4 May). To be entitled to take part in the training sessions, all judges and experts for the Haflinger breed must have been registered by a herd book organisation.
Clear stance on Arab blood levels

After an in-depth debate concluded at its recent meeting, the Commission of Experts for the Haflinger breed has defined a clear set of rules for the maximum level of Arab blood admissible in Haflinger horses:
- Definition of the Haflinger breed
• All Haflinger horses must be descendants of horses registered in a Haflinger stud book.
• The maximum level of Arab blood admissible is 1.56 %. It must be calculated to two decimal points over the course of six generations for both the sire and the dam.
• Starting from the fifth generation (based on a mark of 1.56 %) or a percentage of 0.09, the Arab blood level will be considered to be 0 %, after which its calculation and disclosure are no longer mandatory. - Standardised criteria for mandatory labelling
Arab blood levels above 0.09 % must be calculated to two decimal points and recorded in all public documents as "% Arab blood" alongside the horse's Name. - Member organisations' position on Arab blood levels
The Expert Commission furthermore suggested that the upcoming WHBSF General Assembly should require all member organisations to include the definitions in their statutes or rules of internal procedure. The Commission also expressly stressed that there should be no room for any discrimination whatsoever.
Upcoming celebrations in Merano/Meran (I)

This year, South Tyrolean Haflinger breeders are in for a very special treat: From Friday 06 until Sunday 08 June 2014, the Merano/Meran Equestrian Centre will be the venue of the South Tyrol Haflinger County Show, a festive event to celebrate 140 years of Haflinger breeding. And since 2014 also has the 60th anniversary of the Provincial Federation of South Tyrol Haflinger Horse Breeders in store, the WHBSF has scheduled a World Haflinger Congress which will go hand in hand with high-profile talks and presentations about the breed as well as the annual WHBSF General Assembly alongside the County Show. The Congress will take place on Sunday 08 June in Merano/Meran – save the date! For more information please visit
2015 Haflinger World Show preparations in full swing

The WHBSF General Assembly has recently put the Haflinger Breeders' Association Tyrol (HPT) in charge of organising the 2015 Haflinger World Show. Already an experienced host of key Haflinger events, the HPT has chosen the Fohlenhof Ebbs stud farm (A) to be the venue of the Show scheduled to take place from 04 to 07 June 2015. The event is projected to include 700 horses, half of which will come from HPT member organisations. The remaining 350 horses will be entered by other WHBSF members. With the preparations already well under way, the judges and experts for the Haflinger breed will receive comprehensive, first-rate training. A number of different shows will illustrate the modern-day use of Haflinger horses.
Selection of Haflinger Colts in Merano/Meran (I)

Haflinger characteristics at their purest
Following a long-standing tradition, this year the 17th Italian National Selection of Haflinger Colts took place on the second weekend of October in Merano/Meran. Among the many positive impressions created by the event, the most prominent one was perhaps the special atmosphere that has marked Haflinger breeding since the founding of the World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation. To find out more, please visit
2015 European Haflinger Championship takes place in Italy

The much-anticipated news is out: The 2015 European Haflinger Championship will be held in Vermezzo near Milan (I). This is thanks to the campaigning efforts of Dr Francesco Ramella, President of the National Association of Breeders of Italian Haflinger Horses (ANACRHAI), who at the last European Federation of Haflinger Horse Breeders committee's meeting received the confirmation that the upcoming event would go to Italy. The designated host is therefore ANACRHAI. While the parties are yet to agree on a precise date, the event will most probably take place in mid-September of 2015.
Solid basis for forward-looking projects

On Friday 27 September 2013, some 30 delegates from all over the world met in the Austrian town of Ebbs for the very first General Assembly of the World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation. After the almost euphoric atmosphere and the strong wish to start afresh expressed at the founding session, expectations were high as WHBSF President Lukas Scheiber opened the meeting and read out the day's agenda –promisingly entitled "Step by step towards our goal"– to a room filled to the brim with breeders' representatives waiting to hear about the work done by the Board of Directors. And the delegates' expectations were not disappointed: The past months were marked by great efforts to lay the groundwork required to put the Federation on a solid basis in all aspects –including financially– and to make sure that its ambitious projects have a lasting effect.
A whole new course in Haflinger breeding

With its fresh breeze, the newly founded World Haflinger Breeding and Sports Federation fills its events with a delightful atmosphere: The new collaboration has even managed to bring organisations which in the past were distant even though they work in the same country closer together again – a thoroughly positive turn that had long seemed out of reach. This new spirit also made for a positively different setting at the Board of Directors' meeting held on 29 April in Bolzano/Bozen and a number of judges' training session that followed suit. Among the top priorities formulated by the WHBSF member organisations are the support of core competencies, defining contents and achieving a sea change in cross-country collaborations.
2015 Haflinger World Show in Ebbs (A)

Held in late April, the very first Board of Directors' meeting in Bolzano/Bozen (I) had an agenda packed with key topics including the 2013 budget, suggestions for amendments to the statutes and the 2013/2014 event calendar. One of the items discussed was the upcoming Haflinger World Show and the proposal to put the Haflinger Breeders' Association Tyrol in charge of organising and hosting the event. The final decision will however be made by the General Assembly.